Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pemandian Air Panas Ciater

 perkebunan teh di kiri kanan jalan menuju Ciater

Daya tarik utamanya adalah Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort; Kolam renang mungkin yang terbaik dari semua mata air panas di sekitar Bandung. Kita bisa menikmati berenang di kolam air hangat sulfur yang dapat menyembuhkan rematik dan masalah kulit. Di sini kita bisa berenang di kolam air mineral hangat, baik untuk menyembuhkan masalah kulit. Pemandian air panas Ciater adalah satu tempat perhentian untuk hiburan dan relaksasi. Airnya mengandung iodium dan sulfur, baik untuk menyembuhkan penyakit kulit dan rematik.

pemandian air hangat

Berenang di kolam renang air hangat


Lily from  Cikole
Lily in front my house

Each rainy season arrives, Flower Lily who originally lost during the dry season, re-sprout and show the beauty of his face. Lily flowers is originally named.

This is the real Lily flower. In Indonesia known as Lily Flower. Interest is included in the family Liliacea has approximately 110 species with a wide range of colors from white, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, copper color, almost black. There also have patterns of spots or as brush strokes.

Lily flowers are able to live and adjust to the surrounding habitats, forests, mountains, grass and even swamps. Daffodils usually have a sturdy stalks that grow from bulbs. Most tribes formed daffodil bulbs under the ground plain.



Cattleya is a genus of 42 species of orchids from Costa Rica to tropical parts of South America and is one of the epiphytic orchid genera. Given the name Cattleya by John Lindley in 1824 after Sir William Cattley who successfully cultivated specimens of Cattleya Labiata used as packaging material in other orchid delivery. Orchid this kind of life a ride on a big timber trees, so they are shielded from direct sun exposure and gain moisture they crave.

Cattleya do not like direct sunlight throughout the day. But they were happy to receive direct light in the morning for 4-5 hours a day, or full day light. When the leaves are dark green, it's a sign of Cattleya lack of sunlightConversely, if the excess light, the color will be yellow-green leaves. the sun is enough to make diligent flowering Cattleya. In addition to stimulating the formation of flowers, the sun also makes plants more robust, disease resistant and able to gathering food reserves. food backup will be stored in the bulb. Bulb a dense contains will diligently produce buds and flowers. Will diligently flowering Cattleya on environmental temperature between 15-35 degrees Celsius. Water is also a staple of Cattleya. Cattleya require regular watering, but he also take some time dry, before watering again. When watering, the roots will absorb as much water as to be stored in the root or bulb.

Source : www Wikipedia.com

Air Terjun Grojogan Sewu Tawangmangu

Objek wisata alam Tawangmangu adalah tempat yang asik di pegunungan dengan pemandangan yang indah juga air terjun yang spektakuler adalah air terjun Grojogan Sewu yang memiliki ketinggian sekitar 81 meter. Tawang Mangu dapat dicapai dengan transportasi umum dari kota Solo / Surakarta dengan perjalanan memakan waktu sekitar 1 jam. Dalam perjalanan menuju objek wisata Tawangmangu Anda akan disuguhi pemandangan pedesaan yang indah.

Selain pemandangan yang indah dan air terjun, Tawangmangu juga memiliki fasilitas dan infrastruktur pariwisata yang cukup lengkap, seperti hotel, vila, lapangan golf, banyak restoran dan karakteristik tukang serba ada banyak sate di tempat ini. Objek wisata Tawangmangu terletak di ketinggian sekitar 1000 meter di atas permukaan laut. Tempat ini juga sering dikunjungi oleh pendaki gunung akan mendaki Gunung Lawu melalui desa Cemorosewu / Cemorokandang. Pendakian pos dapat dicapai menggunakan transportasi umum dengan waktu sekitar 1 jam. Tur ini bisa menjadi alternatif ketika Anda kembali ke rumah untuk bertemu keluarga Anda.

Grojogan Sewu terletak di Gunung Lawu (2632 meter), 27 kilometer dari Kabupaten Karanganyar. Tidak ada seribu air terjun di Grojogan Sewu, yang berarti 'seribu air terjun' tetapi situs ini sangat menarik. Air terjun tertinggi di Grojogan Sewu adalah 81 meter dan lokasi hutan menambah keindahan alam daerah tersebut.

 Air Terjun Grojogan Sewu terletak di Tawangmangu. Terletak pada jarak hampir 40 kilometer dari Solo, Tawangmangu adalah sebuah resor rekreasi. Terletak di ketinggian 1000 meter dari permukaan laut, tempat ini menawarkan pemandangan yang indah, cuaca yang segar dan sejuk, serta beberapa hotel dan vila mewah. Mengunjungi resor gunung ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk mengalahkan panasnya Kota Solo. Perjalanan ke resor bukit ini melewati serpentine dan pin rambut seperti tikungan. Vegetasi hijau yang subur dan tutup kabut inilah yang membuat perjalanan itu menyenangkan bagi mata.

Terlepas dari atraksi seperti kuil dan taman nasional, resor berbukit ini terkenal dengan Air Terjun Grojogan Sewu. Dengan galon air yang turun dari ketinggian 400 meter, air terjun ini sangat indah. Air terjun hanya dapat dicapai dengan berjalan kaki dan melakukan perjalanan melintasi pepohonan hijau dan semak belukar. Deru memekakkan telinga dari air terjun ini membuat tidak mungkin untuk mendengar bahkan satu kata dari seseorang yang berdiri tepat di samping Anda. Air di dasar air terjun ini sangat dingin. Orang-orang masih mandi di sini dan menjadi segar kembali.

Sri Getuk Waterfall

Sri Gethuk waterfall

Sri Getuk / Slempret waterfall is located in the hamlet Menggoran, Bleberan, Playen, Gunungkidul. 8 km Southwest of the city Wonosari. Journey through the streets with asphalt is smooth, but close to the location we will be faced with perforated roads, slippery and bumpy rock.  Adventure in Sri Getuk water falls non extreme adventure. Enjoy the adventure began in Oya river with rafts or tracking through the rice field arrived at the waterfall. 

Enjoy the adventure began in Oya river with rafts or tracking through the rice field arrived at the waterfall.
 Besides enjoying the river and the verdant expanse of rice we can also enjoy rappelling down a waterfall in the rain. Surely this adventure more exciting and challenging. Sri Getuk waterfall adventure in this package of 10 people  Rp. 600 000 up to 10 people. Costs include fees, equipment rental, instructor. As for the food and drink we had to spend alone. Some merchants set up a young coconut, mineral water, hot tea, coffee or other beverage packaging.


Siung, Beach Tourism in Gunungkidul

Tourism to support the Special Province of Yogyakarta tourist destinations, Gunungkidul Regency is quite potential to be a tourist destination. The Sewu Mountain Range is the richest calc-stone mountain range with underground rivers, caves, lakes, or ponds. Several caves have been developed to be natural tourist objects and attractions. In its southern part, the shores have different shapes of steep rocky, narrow, and white-sandy shores. In several places, there are narrow sandy bays surrounded by steep and rocky shores. The largest potential tourist objects in Gunungkidul Regency are its natural shores, caves, and culture.
This is several beach in Gunungkidul shore line,  … did you agree if  we said .. that is beautfful places in Yogyakarta ?

Siung beach

Culture as one of the cultural preservation areas with regards to its historical value, this region is very important to be conserved in the efforts to sustain the development of cultural history and human civilization. The cultural assets in Gunungkidul Regency include the artifacts of the classical period, the Islamic period, and the historical period in the forms of menhir, sarcophagus, and megalithic structures. At least up to this moment, there are 48 historical sites and 11 villages cultural-based assets. Those historical sites are located on the riverbanks and rice fields in the sub-districts of Karangmojo, Wonosari, Semanu and Tepus. Yet, the current conservation activities have not been done optimally, causing the loss of cultural assets and sites as well, even they are not placed where they are supposed to. This is due to the lack of the education and awareness of the community about the conservation of their cultural assets.

relaks on the rocks